Public Bank Fixed Deposit Rate
Public Bank Fixed Deposit Rate 3,9/5 1954 votes
Updated OCT 2020
Public Bank Fixed Deposit (PLUS Fixed Deposit Rates)

Public Bank Fixed Deposit Rate 2021
Tenure(Months) | BOARD RATES % (p.a.) |
1 mth | 1.70% |
2 mths | 1.70% |
3 mth | 1.75% |
4 mths | 1.75% |
5 mth | 1.75% |
6 mths | 1.80% |
7 mth | 1.80% |
8 mths | 1.80% |
9 mth | 1.80% |
10 mths | 1.80% |
11 mth | 1.80% |
12 mths | 1.85% |
13-60 mth | Negotiable |
- ICICI Bank Golden Years FD Rates (w.e.f 20 may'20) Now get an exclusive additional interest rate of 0.30% per annum on your Fixed Deposits above 5 years tenure. Resident Senior citizen customers, will get an additional interest rate of 0.30% for limited time over and above existing additional rate.
- Optional overdraft facility of up to 100% margin at attractive rates. Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor. Click for more information Latest interest rates Fees and Charges Branches Offering Fixed Deposit / Term Deposit.

PB Golden 50 PLUS Fixed Deposit
Placing a Fixed Deposit with Commercial Bank will fetch you one of the most attractive rates-of-interest in the market. If you need to place a deposit for a short period of time at a higher interest rate, Call Deposits.

Tenure(Months) | BOARD RATES % (p.a.) |
1 mth | 1.80% |
2 mths | 1.80% |
3 mth | 1.85% |
4 mths | 1.85% |
5 mth | 1.85% |
6 mths | 1.90% |
7 mth | 1.90% |
8 mths | 1.90% |
9 mth | 1.90% |
10 mths | 1.90% |
11 mth | 1.90% |
12 mths | 1.95% |
15 mth | 1.95% |
18 mth | 1.95% |
24 mth | 1.95% |
36 mth | 1.95% |
48 mth | 1.95% |
60 mth | 1.95% |
PB eFixed Deposit Rates
Tenure(Months) | BOARD RATES % (p.a.) |
1 mth | 1.70% |
2 mths | 1.70% |
3 mth | 1.75% |
4 mths | 1.75% |
5 mth | 1.75% |
6 mths | 1.80% |
7 mth | 1.80% |
8 mths | 1.80% |
9 mth | 1.80% |
10 mths | 1.80% |
11 mth | 1.80% |
12 mths | 1.85% |
15 mth | 1.85% |
18 mth | 1.85% |
24 mth | 1.85% |
36 mth | 1.85% |
48 mth | 1.85% |
60 mth | 1.85% |
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